How to Wear a Camera on Hiking Backpack?

There are various ways you can do this, but the best way is to have a belt that loops around the waist with a pouch that hangs down onto the front of the pack strap. The belt should be tight enough, so it doesn’t slip off at all and never touches the ground.

It will prevent any dirt or dust from getting inside of it, but still, make sure you can take out your camera quickly!Next, you need to secure the camera (and lens if it isn’t an SLR) into the pouch. In this article, we will be discussing about how to wear camera on hiking backpack.The first method is with a velcro strap, but I have never used one, so I’m not sure how well it works.

Another great way is to use a shock cord.  It gives you total security over your camera. It will never fall out due to gravity or movement. You can find these shock cords at most outdoor stores, and in my case, I used a special one that had a loop already in it for my belt.

Finally, you need to attach the camera pouch to connect your pack strap with the rest of the backpack’s body. It is done by clipping it onto the strap somehow. If you have a non-camera bag pack, this would be an excellent time to replace that flimsy belt with something more sturdy or remove it altogether.

The whole point of this is that your camera is accessible at all times. It’s not fun having to stop halfway up a hill because you wanted to take some pics, but now you’re stuck carrying your pack around with the camera in it.

How to wear camera on hiking backpack

17 Tips for Hiking with your Camera

Shelley Tabor has compiled this list to help you get the most out of your photography experience.

Take a comfortable hiking stick.

It sounds silly, but I know I won’t hike without mine (because it’s attached to my pack). To each his/her own, but if you like using trekking poles, try this tip.

Have a belt with several pouches for carrying various lenses and camera bodies

I have always used this method, but I just happened to read about it from the article above after I had already been taking photos with my pack on and using the rear portion of the belt (it’s comfortable like that). The article’s author uses a velcro strap to hold on extra lenses, but I prefer my shock cord method.

Use a camera pouch with a velcro strap on your belt.

If you want quick access on the trail without taking off a pack, this is an excellent tip for you! The article’s author had me sold on this one because she had mentioned that she sometimes takes it off of the belt and into her pack to take pics at camp.

wear clothing with lots of pockets

There are more than just pants, shirts, jackets, etc., that have pockets you can use for your gear. Try these accessories: a belt pack, a fanny pack, or a backpacking vest if you want fast access.

Use a small carrying case.

Try this tip if you don’t want to carry anything around with you on the trail. Place your camera and lens inside a carrying case that fits nicely into your backpack or attach it onto the outside of your pack with the straps provided.

Use a camera pouch with a compression strap instead of a belt.

If you don’t want your camera to bounce around when hiking, try this method to attach it to your pack. The author also mentioned that she hung her DSLR on the outside of her waist pack, which is an alternative if you can’t find a package with many options for attaching other gear.

tape your camera onto the outside of your backpack

I’ve never tried this method myself, but I would love to experiment with it because you can get some great shots hiking or climbing at a moderate pace. If you do this, then make sure that the camera’s location will not get in the way of your hiking. For example, don’t have it on the front where you would have to duck under branches or on a side that sticks out too far and can get hit by falling rocks. In this article, we will be discussing about How Can you travel with a Bluetooth speaker when you are hiking.

Wear a climbing harness

Wearing a climbing harness has many advantages when taking pictures. The article’s author mentions that she likes to wear it to attach her camera securely. Still, you can also use this for other purposes.

I had worn a harness when climbing vertical walls before. I had my pack on with additional equipment attached to me (the opposite strap). If I fell, everything would stay in place. If you want to try this, then make sure that the climbing harness will not hinder your hiking, and do NOT use it for climbing unless you are familiar with how they work!

Take a waterproof cover for carrying gear on rainy days.

It is a good option if you don’t mind taking time out of your day (or night) to set up your gear.

Wear a hydration backpack with pockets for carrying camera equipment

If you enjoy taking photos out in the middle of nowhere, then try this tip. The author likes to use this method because she can easily carry her water. Still, you can also bring along water bottles instead.

Use a camera pack on your back instead.

If you want to have quick access to your gear, then try this strategy. The author of the article likes to use a hydration backpack. Still, you can also get away with using almost any kind of bag or pouch that has straps for carrying it onto your back. I have used waist packs in the past, and they work well for this purpose.

Take a photo backpack or sling pack on day hikes.

This tip is great because you can take your time hiking and capture as many shots as you want without worrying about setting up your gear. I typically bring my tripod with me, but if I know that there won’t be much time to explore something, I will leave it behind to have more room for other things.

Use a camera cache on your leg or arm.

I have used this method before, and it comes in handy when you are just trying to get your hiking done rather than stop every few minutes to take some shots. The author also mentioned that he uses his belt loop to secure his camera, interfering with using a waist pack. If you don’t want to use any of the above tips, I suppose this is your best option because it keeps the camera within reach so that you can quickly grab it if something catches your eye.

Take photos at rest stops along the trail.

If you are on a long trail with plenty of rest stops, why not take advantage of them? The author refers to the camping kind, but I have also stopped at places like this when hiking for an hour. Along the Appalachian Trail, there were several overlooks where people would stop and take in the scenery. If you enjoy hiking, you should know What Does it Mean When You are Hiking in mountain . 

Use meat hooks or carabiners to hold tripods to your backpack.

I have not seen this method before, but it seems like a simple way of attaching something to your pack without having anything dangling off the side. If you are very familiar with climbing gear, then I suppose this would be an easy solution. It might even be quicker than tying something onto your pack with paracord (which is what I do).

Make your mini tripod for carrying on day hikes.

The author of the article mentions that he used to use his hat to keep his camera steady. Still, if you are serious about doing this, then you should check out the Joby GorillaPod Micro 250. It’s meant for point-and-shoot cameras, but I have seen people use this for DSLRs before. Just make sure that the weight of your camera doesn’t break off the mount!

Use a backpacker tripod on day hikes.

It is an excellent idea because it comes in very compact, so you can stash it away until you are ready to use it. Just be sure that you are not walking somewhere where it can fall off your pack because there is a good chance that you will lose it!


In conclusion, your best bet when hiking with a camera is to have a small tripod so that you can take pictures at any time without having to set up a full-size one. Suppose you are going on a long hike. In that case, I suggest getting a waist pack or something similar so that you have plenty of room for water and other necessities.

You should also remember that if there isn’t much light where you’re going, then using the flash will drain the battery pretty quickly. In this case, it might be better to use an external flashlight to help illuminate your shot instead.

The last thing I would mention is that if possible, try not hiking somewhere where it’s extremely crowded because photographing people from behind tend not to look very appealing!